WDO Activities & Programs

WDO to Host Symposium on Palestinian Women and Girls

WDO to Host Symposium on Palestinian Women and Girls

Palestinian women and girls face significant challenges as a result of the ongoing war. The symposium seeks to discuss the impact of this conflict on the lives of women and girls, and exchange ideas on possible solutions and the necessary support for them.

The symposium will bring together a distinguished group of speakers, including Her Excellency Ms. Mona Al-Khalili, Palestinian Minister of Women's Affairs, and Her Excellency Dr. Afnan Alshuaiby, Executive Director of the Women Development Organization (WDO), and His Excellency Dr. Ali Qutaly, Director of the Palestine and Jerusalem Department at the Organization of Islamic Cooperation on behalf of His Excellency Mr. Hussein Ibrahim Taha, Secretary-General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, and His Excellency Mr. Moez Doraid, Director of the Regional Office for Arab States at UN Women, and Her Excellency Ms. Sahar Al-Juboury, Head of the Office of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) in Cairo, and His Excellency Mr. Al-Mekawi Ben Issa, Secretary-General of the Arab Lawyers Union, and Dr. Hanan AlGaai, Director of Strategic Partnerships at the Women Development Organization (WDO).

The symposium will discuss vital topics including the daily challenges faced by women and girls in Gaza, a vision for the future through post-war initiatives, the role of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in promoting the rights of Palestinian women and girls, building international solidarity and support, and the upcoming WDO report on Palestinian women and girls.

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