WDO Activities & Programs


In tripartite partnership, ODF's first field activity for capacity building in Niger

Within the framework of its activities for the year 2022 on women and climate change, the Women Development Organization (WDO) in a tripartite partnership with the Islamic Organization for Food Security (IOFS) and the Permanent Interstate Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel (CILSS), co-organized a Capacity Building Workshop for Farmers on Water Management in Agriculture, from the 16-17 May 2022 at the AGRHYMET Regional Centre in Niamey, Republique of Niger. This initial Training of Trainers saw the participation of 70 farmers amongst which 34 were women, from the Tahoua Region.

The opening ceremony was attended by the Minister of Agriculture and other dignitaries of the Republic of Niger, the Director General of the IOFS as well as the Executive Secretary of CILLS. The WDO was Represented by Ms. Rabiatou Ahmadou, the organization’s Senior Program Officer.

In her statement on behalf of the Executive Director of WDO, Ms. Ahmadou exalted the trainers to pay attention to the special needs of women when it comes to irrigation matters. She stressed on the importance of the participation of women in the decision-making processes relevant to water management and irrigation activities. Ms. Ahmadou also met with the female trainees in a focus group discussion to understand their special needs, which the WDO can support to ensure they capitalize on this experience.

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