WDO News

WDO’s Executive Director Gives a Statement During the Ministerial Meeting

WDO’s Executive Director Gives a Statement During the Ministerial Meeting

WDO’s Executive Director, H.E. Dr. Afnan Alshuaiby, gave a statement during the Second Ordinary Session of the Ministerial Council of the Women Development Organization that took place in Cairo, Arab Republic of Egypt, on the 7th and 8th of June.

During the statement, Dr. Alshuaiby highlighted the efforts of the organization in the past couple of years in advancing the status of women and girls in its member states, after the screening of a short video that introduces the organization and its work.

 The Executive Director also thanked the OIC and its different organs for the continuous support they provide for the organization to achieve its mandate. She also thanked the Arab Republic of Egypt for hosting WDO’s headquarters and for all the support provided for the organization. Moreover, Dr. Alshuaiby thanked the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the substantial support of women and girls in line with Vision 2030.

 “Such meetings give us new impetus. Our dialogues and exchange of experiences provide us with non-traditional solutions, and help us find quick ways to bring about change with innovative and effective methodologies and work tools. They also contribute to building a new reality to advance the role played by women and work on removing all the challenges and obstacles facing women in our countries, in a way that guarantees their protection and strengthens their position in society, in light of the wise political will in all our member states,” said Dr. Alshuaiby in her statement.


Statement During the Ministerial Meeting 2

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