WDO News


WDO’s Executive Director Meets with Egypt’s Minister of Foreign Affairs

Cairo, September 13th, 2023 – WDO’s Executive Director, H.E. Dr. Afnan Alshuaiby met Wednesday with Egypt’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, H.E. Sameh Shoukry. The meeting discussed The Republic of Egypt’s keenness to support the efforts of the Organization in empowering women and elevating their status.

Dr. Alshuaiby expressed her gratitude and appreciation to Egypt’s President, H.E. Abdel Fattah El-Sisi for supporting women’s issues in general and for supporting the organization, whether by hosting its headquarters in Cairo or giving directives to facilitate all the difficulties and support the Organization’s activities and members. The Executive Director also highlighted to the Minister the Organization’s various activities and the progress made in the file of women’s empowerment in the Organization’s member states.

On the other hand, the Minister reaffirmed Egypt’s solid focus on the file of empowering women and improving their conditions in all fields especially since this file has a special place among the Egyptian government. He made sure to confirm Egypt’s determination to continue its support for the Organization, expressing his aspiration that WDO, under the leadership of the Executive Director, will undertake the necessary efforts in the field of supporting and empowering women in various fields.

The Minister also renewed his call to the member states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to join WDO and benefit from all its programs and activities in the field of women's empowerment.

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