WDO News


WDO’s Executive Director Gives Keynote Speech During “Uzbekistan’s Experience in Supporting Women” International Forum

Tashkent - Wednesday, July 5th, 2023– WDO’s Executive Director, H.E. Dr. Afnan Alshuaiby, participated as a keynote speaker in “Uzbekistan’s Experience in Supporting Women” International Forum that was organized by the country’s Cabinet of Ministers. The Forum took place on the 5th and 6th of July in Tashkent, The Republic of Uzbekistan.

“Uzbekistan has taken great strides toward supporting women and their progression in fields ranging from education to gender equality, empowering women with disabilities, and ensuring equal access to opportunities,” stated Dr. Alshuaiby in her statement.

She then added, “WDO is currently working on a sustainable strategy that will enable women in WDO member states to have enough space for innovation in all previously mentioned points, especially through collaborations and consultations with states and partners like Uzbekistan, who have had successful experiences in supporting women development.”

The forum was attended by representatives from the government of The Republic of Uzbekistan and foreign representatives, with the aim of exchanging experiences and ideas in supporting women.

During the forum, WDO’s Executive Director participated in a high-level segment alongside The Chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, H.E. Tanzila Narbaeva, Advisor to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, H.E. Muzaffar Komilov, Chairman of the Republican Commission for Systematic Solution of Women’s Problems and Social Support, H.E. Kudratilla Rafikov, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan, H.E. Zulayho Mahkamova, Vice President for Women and Family Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, H.E. Ensieh Khazali, Deputy Minister of Family and Social Service of the Republic of Turkey, H.E. Ridvan Duran, and Deputy Chairman of the State Committee on Family, Women, and Children’s Issues of the Republic of Azerbaijan, H.E. Sadagat Gahramanova.

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